Oscar Wang

UX + Creative Technology + Accessible

Hi , I am Oscar Wang,

a user experience designer, specializing in using creative technology along with physical devices to find design opportunities for underserved population.

© 2025 Oscar Wang


Body Tracking, Computer Vision




Jerry Cai, Oscar Wang

ArtCenter Rally Championship

ArtCenter Rally Championship

What is ARC?

ArtCenter Rally Championship is a game that utilizes real-time gesture tracking to drive your rally car on multiple tracks, including paved roads and dirt tracks, with different weather and scenes are built into the game.

Helping users experience a new type of game experience with camera interaction.


We change the traditional WASD control into four different quadrants in a 3d setting. We added trigger into each quadrants, when the trigger being activied, the car when move accoadingly in preset direction followed by real engine physicls.



We change the traditional WASD control into four different quadrants in a 3d setting. We added trigger into each quadrants, when the trigger being activied, the car when move accoadingly in preset direction followed by real engine physicls.


The success of this project makes me start to think about whether I can try to use computer vision or other methods to help people who cannot access games through gamepads, keyboards or screens due to diseases and other problems.


Body Tracking, Computer Vision




Jerry Cai, Oscar Wang

ArtCenter Rally Championship

What is ARC?

ArtCenter Rally Championship is a game that utilizes real-time gesture tracking to drive your rally car on multiple tracks, including paved roads and dirt tracks, with different weather and scenes are built into the game.

Helping users experience a new type of game experience with camera interaction.


We change the traditional WASD control into four different quadrants in a 3d setting. We added trigger into each quadrants, when the trigger being activied, the car when move accoadingly in preset direction followed by real engine physicls.



We change the traditional WASD control into four different quadrants in a 3d setting. We added trigger into each quadrants, when the trigger being activied, the car when move accoadingly in preset direction followed by real engine physicls.


The success of this project makes me start to think about whether I can try to use computer vision or other methods to help people who cannot access games through gamepads, keyboards or screens due to diseases and other problems.

Oscar Wang

UX + Creative Technology + Accessible

Hi , I am Oscar Wang,

a user experience designer, specializing in using creative technology along with physical devices to find design opportunities for underserved population.

© 2025 Oscar Wang