Oscar Wang

UX + Creative Technology + Accessible

Hi , I am Oscar Wang,

a user experience designer, specializing in using creative technology along with physical devices to find design opportunities for underserved population.

© 2025 Oscar Wang


UX Design, Accessible Design, AI, Unity




Personal Project



What is HumanScope?

HumanScope is a city made up of AI-powered NPCs with different backgrounds and personalities. The uniqueness of the city is that there are many groups that are not easily reached in daily life, such as the polio community, or other rare diseases.


The purpose of this project is to help designers or engineers better contact these groups that are difficult to contact, conduct User Testing and User Interview, and thus produce products that better meet the needs of users.


Title Screen

Show information and menu buttons.

Choosing Target NPC

Type in the trait of NPCs you want or directly enter.

Game World View

This is a scene containing locations like cities, villages. Users can control the character, observe npcs in the scene, approach NPCs and communicate.

Conversation Screen

After connecting with a npc, user can choose to Interview or user testing.

Interview or User Testing with NPC

User can ask questions or describe their product. The NPC will reply both text and voice, making it appear as if they are communicating with a real person.

Pause Screen

Leave or edit your target NPC information here.

Conversation History

Here you can view your history sessions.

Report Page

Here you can view your history and AI summary.

Design Process

Background Research

People with Disabilities

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1.3 billion people worldwide experience significant disability, representing about 16% of the global population.

Among them, there is also a group of rare disease patients. For example, ribose-5-phosphate isomerase deficiency is considered one of the rarest diseases, potentially less than 0.001% among all individuals with disabilities.

Background Research

Designers who design for accssibility

Design Challenges

Designers must ensure that their creations meet legal requirements, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), while also being practical and user-friendly.

Designers strive to create products that are both functional and visually appealing. When designing for disabilities, achieving this balance can be complex.

Many designers lack personal experience with disabilities, making it challenging to fully understand and address the user needs.

Designers often face difficulties in recruiting participants, especially those with rare disabilities.

Design Process


Pain Point

Designers find that when they design products for some specific groups, it is difficult for them to find target users for interview or product measurement, resulting in the design of products with their own conjecture, which does not fully meet the needs of users, resulting in the product cannot really solve the problem.

Designers need to interview users when designing, they also need to really understand users. Therefore, they need to spend time reaching out to users, observing their daily lives, and interacting with others.


Jack is working on a product with AI chatter for people with apraxia, which is an rare disease.
But he found that he could not find participants with the disease to help.

Through a search, he found HumanScope, an AI-powered town where he could find the user base he needed.

So he set up an account and chose the group of users he wanted.

He observed the behavior and communication styles of various patients with apraxia. Then he chose a young girl.

So jack walked up to the girl and invited her for a user interview.

With the help of the girl, Jack successfully understood the pain points of this user group.

Jack invited the girl for user testing. He asked the girl questions about what kind of tone or vocabulary the product should use.

Jack launched the product with the hope that it would help an overlooked group of users with apraxia.

Feature Showcase


Interaction of AI Characters in the Town

Character Design Example

Scene Design

Interaction between User & AI Characters

Technical Implementation

AI Training & Prototyping

Use of AI


ChatGPT's learning sources are not accurate enough, so chatgpt power's ai model does not give accurate answers, and the results given are not suitable for use in real design and scientific research fields, only as a reference.


User Testing

Next Step


UX Design, Accessible Design, AI, Unity




Personal Project


What is HumanScope?

HumanScope is a city made up of AI-powered NPCs with different backgrounds and personalities. The uniqueness of the city is that there are many groups that are not easily reached in daily life, such as the polio community, or other rare diseases.


The purpose of this project is to help designers or engineers better contact these groups that are difficult to contact, conduct User Testing and User Interview, and thus produce products that better meet the needs of users.


Title Screen

Show information and menu buttons.

Choosing Target NPC

Type in the trait of NPCs you want or directly enter.

Game World View

This is a scene containing locations like cities, villages. Users can control the character, observe npcs in the scene, approach NPCs and communicate.

Conversation Screen

After connecting with a npc, user can choose to Interview or user testing.

Interview or User Testing with NPC

User can ask questions or describe their product. The NPC will reply both text and voice, making it appear as if they are communicating with a real person.

Pause Screen

Leave or edit your target NPC information here.

Conversation History

Here you can view your history sessions.

Report Page

Here you can view your history and AI summary.

Design Process

Background Research

People with Disabilities

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1.3 billion people worldwide experience significant disability, representing about 16% of the global population.

Among them, there is also a group of rare disease patients. For example, ribose-5-phosphate isomerase deficiency is considered one of the rarest diseases, potentially less than 0.001% among all individuals with disabilities.

Background Research

Designers who design for accssibility

Design Challenges

Designers must ensure that their creations meet legal requirements, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), while also being practical and user-friendly.

Designers strive to create products that are both functional and visually appealing. When designing for disabilities, achieving this balance can be complex.

Many designers lack personal experience with disabilities, making it challenging to fully understand and address the user needs.

Designers often face difficulties in recruiting participants, especially those with rare disabilities.

Design Process


Pain Point

Designers find that when they design products for some specific groups, it is difficult for them to find target users for interview or product measurement, resulting in the design of products with their own conjecture, which does not fully meet the needs of users, resulting in the product cannot really solve the problem.

Designers need to interview users when designing, they also need to really understand users. Therefore, they need to spend time reaching out to users, observing their daily lives, and interacting with others.


Jack is working on a product with AI chatter for people with apraxia, which is an rare disease.
But he found that he could not find participants with the disease to help.

Through a search, he found HumanScope, an AI-powered town where he could find the user base he needed.

So he set up an account and chose the group of users he wanted.

He observed the behavior and communication styles of various patients with apraxia. Then he chose a young girl.

So jack walked up to the girl and invited her for a user interview.

With the help of the girl, Jack successfully understood the pain points of this user group.

Jack invited the girl for user testing. He asked the girl questions about what kind of tone or vocabulary the product should use.

Jack launched the product with the hope that it would help an overlooked group of users with apraxia.

Feature Showcase


Interaction of AI Characters in the Town

Character Design Example

Scene Design

Interaction between User & AI Characters

Technical Implementation

AI Training & Prototyping

Use of AI


ChatGPT's learning sources are not accurate enough, so chatgpt power's ai model does not give accurate answers, and the results given are not suitable for use in real design and scientific research fields, only as a reference.


User Testing

Next Step

Oscar Wang

UX + Creative Technology + Accessible

Hi , I am Oscar Wang,

a user experience designer, specializing in using creative technology along with physical devices to find design opportunities for underserved population.

© 2025 Oscar Wang