Oscar Wang

UX + Creative Technology + Accessible

Hi , I am Oscar Wang,

a user experience designer, specializing in using creative technology along with physical devices to find design opportunities for underserved population.

© 2025 Oscar Wang


VR, Sensor Integration, Medical IxD, AI




Personal Project



Project Brief

The aim of the project is to create a virtual Sandtray Therapy Room to help patients and therapists meet online. With the use of AI and other functions to achieve efficient and high-precision consultation.


Sandtray therapy is a type of practical therapy usually used to treat people who have suffered some form of trauma, neglect, or abuse.

Sandtray therapy can be used to treat anger, mood and anxiety, relationship problems such as divorce, or learning disabilities.

What is MindScape?

MindScape is a online Sandtray Therapy Room for patients and therapists to have therapy sessions in VR. Patients will be able to play sandbox with diversified models.

With the help of EEG Sensor, therapists can better monitor patient's brain wave data in real-time.

The application also integrated with AI, help therapists to analyze and control scene change in real-time.

Design Outcome

Design Process

Next Step


VR, Sensor Integration, Medical IxD, AI




Personal Project


Project Brief

The aim of the project is to create a virtual Sandtray Therapy Room to help patients and therapists meet online. With the use of AI and other functions to achieve efficient and high-precision consultation.


Sandtray therapy is a type of practical therapy usually used to treat people who have suffered some form of trauma, neglect, or abuse.

Sandtray therapy can be used to treat anger, mood and anxiety, relationship problems such as divorce, or learning disabilities.

What is MindScape?

MindScape is a online Sandtray Therapy Room for patients and therapists to have therapy sessions in VR. Patients will be able to play sandbox with diversified models.

With the help of EEG Sensor, therapists can better monitor patient's brain wave data in real-time.

The application also integrated with AI, help therapists to analyze and control scene change in real-time.

Design Outcome

Design Process

Design Process

Oscar Wang

UX + Creative Technology + Accessible

Hi , I am Oscar Wang,

a user experience designer, specializing in using creative technology along with physical devices to find design opportunities for underserved population.

© 2025 Oscar Wang