Oscar Wang
UX + Creative Technology + Accessible
Hi , I am Oscar Wang,
a user experience designer, specializing in using creative technology along with physical devices to find design opportunities for underserved population.
© 2025 Oscar Wang

UX Design, UX / Market Research,
B2B, B2C
Mika Hu,
Jacqueline Huo,
Oscar Wang
MPA Alliance
MPA Alliance
This is a collaborative project organized by ArtCenter DesignMatters and Mary Pickford Foundation Arts Consortium LA. The purpose is to produce an software for Arts Consortium LA to help solve the problems faced by thousands of non-profit organizations in the LA area.
What is MPA Alliance?
MPAA is an online platform that helps organizaitions connect with each other and make it easier to present projects and get invested. The platform can also help individual users pinpoint the right project to participate.
Our Sponsor: Mary Pickford Foundation Arts Consortium LA
The Consortium helps forge social change and growth in Los Angeles by utilizing the artistic process. It provides existing community-based art organizations an opportunity to expand the scope of their work while enhancing creative growth and self-determination for the participating individuals.
Main Feature
This application features two interfaces for non-profit organizations (B2B) and individual users (B2C), maintaining a consistent design style. While most screens are shared, each version includes unique features tailored to its user group, ensuring a seamless yet customized experience.
Organization Information Page
Here personal users will be able to view different organizations, and find the one they want to join or donate.
View an Event
Users will be able to view details and monitor step by step process of an event.
Personal donors will be able to donate the MPA ALLIANCE, and the platform will distribute funds to organizations based on their projects.
Create an Event
Organizations can create projects on the website, invite other organizations, volunteers to join. Share step by step process of the full project.
Edit / Update an Event
Organizations can update their current process of an event, offer users more visualized information of a project.
Resource Share
Organizations will be able to view and share different resources like volunteers, locations, artists or objects.
Scroll Down to Design Process to View All Features
Design Process

UX Design, UX / Market Research,
B2B, B2C
Mika Hu,
Jacqueline Huo,
Oscar Wang
MPA Alliance
This is a collaborative project organized by ArtCenter DesignMatters and Mary Pickford Foundation Arts Consortium LA. The purpose is to produce an software for Arts Consortium LA to help solve the problems faced by thousands of non-profit organizations in the LA area.
What is MPA Alliance?
MPAA is an online platform that helps organizaitions connect with each other and make it easier to present projects and get invested. The platform can also help individual users pinpoint the right project to participate.
Our Sponsor: Mary Pickford Foundation Arts Consortium LA
The Consortium helps forge social change and growth in Los Angeles by utilizing the artistic process. It provides existing community-based art organizations an opportunity to expand the scope of their work while enhancing creative growth and self-determination for the participating individuals.
Main Feature
This application features two interfaces for non-profit organizations (B2B) and individual users (B2C), maintaining a consistent design style. While most screens are shared, each version includes unique features tailored to its user group, ensuring a seamless yet customized experience.
Organization Information Page
Here personal users will be able to view different organizations, and find the one they want to join or donate.
View an Event
Users will be able to view details and monitor step by step process of an event.
Personal donors will be able to donate the MPA ALLIANCE, and the platform will distribute funds to organizations based on their projects.
Create an Event
Organizations can create projects on the website, invite other organizations, volunteers to join. Share step by step process of the full project.
Edit / Update an Event
Organizations can update their current process of an event, offer users more visualized information of a project.
Resource Share
Organizations will be able to view and share different resources like volunteers, locations, artists or objects.
Scroll Down to Design Process to View All Features
Design Process